This mostly level site has great visibility from I-64,Technology Dr. & Weldon Spring Rd. and features quick & easy access to Hwy K, 364, and I-64 to travel to the explosive growth areas within St. Charles & St. Louis Counties. Property is Zoned within the City of O'Fallon, MO, C-2, General Business District, the Comprehensive Plan calls for a wide variety of Retail and Office uses. Duckett Creek Sanitary Sewer and Water District #2 are the public utilities available to the site. Retail and office uses are Permitted such as banks and credit unions, sit-down restaurants, retail sales of carpet and floor covering stores, building and construction materials and services offices, convenient stores with fuel sales (Conditionally Permitted Use), marijuana dispensary facility, medical and professional services, veterinarian clinics and animal hospital, religious places of worship (churches, temples, synagogues). See attached Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Land Uses for C-2 Zoning.
Technology Dr At Weldon Spring Ne Corner
Information from Third Parties, Deemed Reliable but Not Verified.
Listings displaying the MARIS logo are courtesy of Mid America Regional Information Systems Internet Data Exchange.